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Article: Harmonium Lesson 6: Scales continued...
"The first white key" explained: You will find that there are sets of 5 black keys on the keyboard. Each set of those 5 black keys is made up of 2 + 3 black keys. The first white key is that white key which lies immediately to the left of the first black key. Since there are several sets of 5 black keys, there will also be several "first white" keys. You may select the first white key lying in the middle of the keyboard. You are going to use only your right hand to play the harmonium. The right hand fingers are numbered as follows:
The thumb is numbered 1
In Lesson 4, we have dealt with our first scale: Bilawal. The scale is called "thaat" in Indian music.
In lesson 5, we took up two more scales (thaat-s), called Khamaj and Kafi.
In this lesson, let us cover four more scales (thaat-s), namely Bhairava, Asavari, Bhairavi, and Kalyan.
First, Bhairava thaat. Which fingers play which notes of the Bhairava thaat?
The arrangement is:- [The finger numbers under the notes of the scale]
Second, Asavari thaat. Which fingers play which notes of the Asavari thaat?
The arrangement is:- [The finger numbers under the notes of the scale]
The Kalyan thaat differs from Bilawal thaat in only one respect: Kalyan thaat uses teevra Ma, denoted by the symbol 'M'; while the Bilawal thaat uses shuddha Ma, denoted by the symbol 'm'. But look at the finger numbers: Here, for the first time, the finger number order (ascending) changes to 1-2-3-4-1-2-3-4, in place of all the previous 1-2-3-1-2-3-4-5. The fourth (the RING) finger plays the third black key. The descending order changes to 4-3-2-1-4-3-2-1, in place of all the previous 5-4-3-2-1-3-2-1.
Play one thaat at a time, repeatedly. Practise all seven scales (thaat-s) till you are very comfortable playing each of them correctly, without having to look at the keyboard.
In the 7th lesson onwards, we will start playing the first lines of
well-known Hindi movie songs and bhajan-s.
[continued to Lesson 7]
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